anachronistic swashbuckling samurai hiphop anime
Sunday, May 24, 2009 / 11:06 AM

i'm crazy addicted to this anime right now.

samurai champloo.
*hiphop and breakdancing vagrant-fighter + liberal and loudmouthed girl + modern glasses ex-samurai, with graffitti on ancient hiroshima castles and baseballs in the 1600s peppered with random social commentary done in various styles and genres. lol. nice.

sometimes i feel like such an otaku. :D

peace out.

* oh and if you were wondering why no more neosteam this season, it's coz the game moved out of beta mode and is now bought by some other company, which entails re-registration and i can't deal with the possibility of my characters' stats re-setting so i have been timidly staying away... if you were wondering at all that is.

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Saturday, May 23, 2009 / 9:22 AM

back in those old days when i was called a prefect, there was this teacher-in-charge who once told us this

"if you re-arrange the letters in prefect, you can form the word perfect, and that's what we expect you guys to be"

if i was a pesky little person who is witty and smart and fearless then, maybe i would have wished to retort

"then why mis-spell that 'r' and call us prefects? why not just be straightforward and call us perfects?"

that would have definitely sent a clear message.

haha. well. but i wasn't a pesky little person who is witty and smart and fearless, and i'm not one to buck the system at all when i was in secondary school. maybe that's why i was made a prefect, because i won't buck the system. not that i buck the system alot now that i completed my studies. lol. guess they don't choose rebels to be prefects. they must have chosen those docile rule-followers who are obedient and will yield to authority without question.

sidenote: what does this say of head-prefects? sidesidenote: i was just a small little prefect who used to sell some temporary nametags and sat around latecomers while they were punished standing around in lines.

endnote: anyway no one can truly be perfect, but we all know that don't we. maybe prefects are supposed to be more pronounced in aspiring to perfection. HAHA. maybe that's why they mis-spell that 'r'.

* wiki on prefects:

In the context of schools, a prefect is a pupil who has been given limited, trustee-type authority over other pupils in the school, such as a hall monitor or safety patrol.

**whoa trustee! haha. fiduciary duties!

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hypocrisy and a nice photo
Thursday, May 07, 2009 / 9:01 AM

hypocrisy is the tribute which vice pays to virtue

- La Rochefoucauld (a Frenchman)

I was reading an introduction to The Prince and this line made me pause for thought. Honestly it took me quite a while to comprehend. guess my brain's really mush now after the exams (maybe it's mush to begin with hah). my guess is this: vice's relation with virtue is close, since virtue is the mean and vice the extremes along the spectrum. then, hypocrisy is the alongsides? vice masquerading as virtue = hypocrisy?

or the easier way to see it may be this: since being a hypocrite is saying something but not practising it, i.e. paying lip service, then "yeah yeah, i agree, it's all about being virtuous.... not(under your breath)"

according to the writer Christian Gauss, the above means "hypocrisy works because the majority of men are not hypocrites and therefore not suspicious". somehow i don't think that's what it means, literally; granted, Mr Gauss's interpretation is more like an explanation of the utility of the maxim. And this put another freaky thought in my mind. if the world is populated entirely of hypocrites, then in the long-run, how 'efficient' or 'useful' is it to be a hypocrite knowing everyone might or might not be telling the truth? hypocrisy breeds cynicism then, doesn't it? <-- Quote me! :)

so. what does it mean exactly?

* sidenote: i was reading "hypocrisy" from wikipedia and my idiotic brother came up to me and said why someone called you a hypocrite and you didn't know what it meant and you had to look it up on wiki? then he continued to babble about the straw man argument and the smoking example in wiki, to which i replied wait a minute, how come you know everything so well on wiki on hypocrisy, did someone call you a hypocrite before and you didn't know the meaning and had to check it up on wiki?

to which we both guffawed right in the middle of the living room and woke the house up at bout 1 am. LOL.

well, here's the picture i took! but somehow the quality is bad :( though the scene and everything else is great!

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