Tuesday, August 05, 2008 / 8:57 AM

While browsing books today i picked up 2 intended for the purchase; Utopia by Saint Thomas More and The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli.

Imagine, if i had bought both! One written by the Patron Saint of politicians and the other denounced by the very same Church and placed in its Index Librorum Prohibitorum (List of Prohibited Books).

Please, however, do not read anything into my sudden interest in politics.

more of where it came from
Monday, August 04, 2008 / 8:29 AM

La vertu s'avilit à se justifier.
Virtue debases itself in justifying itself.
Oedipe, act II, scene IV (1718)

L'homme doit être content, dit-on; mais de quoi?
Man ought to be content, it is said; but with what?
Pensées, Remarques, et Observations de Voltaire; ouvrage posthume (1802)
Note: This is from a volume of posthumously published "Thoughts, remarks and observations" believed to be by Voltaire.

Le secret d'ennuyer est celui de tout dire.
The secret of being a bore is to tell everything.
"Sixième discours: sur la nature de l'homme," Sept Discours en Vers sur l'Homme (1738)

Un bon mot ne prouve rien.
A witty saying proves nothing.
Le dîner du comte de Boulainvilliers (1767): Deuxième Entretien

That being said, i shall not be a bore and prove nothing; I shall be content with this selection and let the post justify itself.

Credits to Voltaire