mathematically speaking
Tuesday, December 25, 2007 / 6:58 AM

I was reading about philosophy, logics and mathematics. reminiscent of the days back in marine vista where i would pop down to the library to pick up a mathematics periodical/journal and read about the latest proof or theorem about triangles and imaginary numbers. I did not understand them, naturally. It was purely motivated by boredom, or the scarcity of available newspapers. Making a point. (point! geddit lol)

I always believed that mathematics was special, even sacred, in the sense that it was totally different form other sciences or disciplines because it was absolute, certain and a confined system within itself. There is 100% absolute certainty in mathematical answers, different from moral or legal answers where there can only be moral certainty or conviction that is never absolute, dare i say it even--> beyond a reasonable doubt is the best thing we can get. (Now to rinse my mouth for saying that)

My world came tumbling down when I saw THIS little titbit about Gottlob Frege.

Gottlob Frege(1848-1925)* demonstrated that the connection between mathematics and logic. He demystified mathematics, saying that

'numbers are not objects, like giraffes, but they are "properties of concepts", or useful logical fictions-rather like the fiction of the average man... mathematics is analytic, or "empty"... '

Therefore, according to him, 2+2=4 is merely TAUTOLOGY. It is no more than saying

2+2=1+3=1+1+1+1=4 or even, 1+1+1+1= 1+1+1+1

Somehow, I felt that I wasted a lot of time doing mathematics in school. Was it all futile?

*This is to show that I did not make him up, (well I would be glad if i did, because then it'll ALL be my Theories LOL)

of plush toys
Tuesday, December 18, 2007 / 5:59 AM

Was wondering how a kenny plush toy would look like. here it is:

Then, I saw this. "Shaun the Sheep"


my art(ist) escapades
Friday, December 07, 2007 / 8:13 AM

been to the UtterRubbish at the Singapore Design Festival and I was very inspired.

AH. but damn today's their last day. my procrastination has robbed you guys of chances to visit the beautiful exhibits. but nevermind it's ok. here's something that lingered after the exhibit.

1. wefeelfine -->

the artist, johnathan harris (according to the volunteer at the installation, is uber cute) designed this search program to scour every weblog in the vast Net to hunt down any sentence with the word "I feel" and records it in their database. the program will then discriminate the findings into categories like "happy" "sad" or "sexy" or "lonely" or "mad" and many many others. the feelings are also grouped according to the ages of the bloggers and the location. so you can find feelings from singapore females aged 20-29! and just a little titbit; Singapore is the saddest city in the world. on average.

the installation at UtterRubbish was this minimalist retail space selling posters and bottled products. makes you think twice when consuming goods. here's some samples that i love.

haha. i would like to buy them all!

the spirit of christmas
Monday, December 03, 2007 / 7:46 AM

this is a picture of consumerism hell. i finally got to see it with my own eyes, XXXXN!
so is christmas all about spending? and why is singapore so crowded? is it because of some type of ANTS? where do they come from? why do they all hive down to orchard?

but lin said christmas is all about spending time with your loved ones. tell them that! go lin!

artist part2
Saturday, December 01, 2007 / 9:04 AM

having read the comments i decided that i am nothing but a con-artist for putting other people's photos. the motivation was just merely to illustrate the beauty of the subject matter. and not to pass them off as my own. anyhoo.

here's my interpretation/inspiration

*was going for the blurry/lighted sides effect to make this look like a stairway to heaven-isque effect but it turned around on me and highlighted the inadequacies of my phone instead.

These are all I've got. Pales in comparison next to the gettyimages one. well well well. I need the nikon 10 megapixels with the adjustable lens and related peripherals. bwahaha.