today at lunch...
Friday, July 27, 2007 / 12:49 AM

this is my attempt to blog about my incomprehensible thought processes. I think sitting down in the office for too long a time and not talking to your colleague does weird things to your brain.

Today at the departmental lunch at a swanky italian restaurant, in the middle of the main course...

E: .... civil servants sometimes have to be called up to do election duties...

F: Yah, and I always don't get to vote you know.

H: HUH? You mean civil servants cannot vote?! (My brain was doing this really quick sweep about the constitution and if there was any part which states that civil servants cannot vote)

T: (Laughs). What do you mean civil servants don't get to vote? What do you think the government is afraid of? I can assure you votes are secret. I was doing...

H: (to qualify my laughable thought) Maybe there's a conflict of interests or something... (drones off)...

And all that conversation took place right after T and I had a discussion about public law module in law school.

OMG. You cannot believe how horrified I was. But the lunch was yummy.

legal sex
Wednesday, July 25, 2007 / 2:27 AM

you know, i was hard at work, burying myself into my ever-so-exciting corporate research topic and this was on my hitlist. and no. my search term was nothing sexual. it was independent directors. and look what i found.

_begin quote_
18 Hastings Women's L.J. 173
Hastings Women's Law Journal
Summer 2007
Joan MacLeod Heminway
Copyright © 2007 UC Hastings College of the Law; Joan MacLeod Heminway
INTRODUCTIONMany have indicated, directly or indirectly, that the highly publicized corporate fraud of ....
_ end quote_
I kid you not. and apparently my supervisor kids me not too. This is the legendary sexy corporate issue.

the tabloid series
Tuesday, July 24, 2007 / 8:01 PM

ok here. as promised. the TABLOID SERIES.

Notice also how pastis always draws other characters from other comics (I assume without much permission) so I don't believe he'll do anything to us (ok me I used 'us' to delude myself) and I give him free publicity. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 22, 2007 / 6:20 PM


This preoccupation is a tad disturbing. What does this bespeaketh of me?

Oh, woe is me.

Am I Anonymous?

Ok I have to rush something. toodles.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007 / 11:27 PM

"Here at ----, we don't do all the sexy corporate issues, it's more regulatory and procedural offences"

Hear that dears? There is such a thing as sexy corporate work. I am so amazed.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007 / 2:45 AM

my thoughts on minimalism

if we reject all that is flamboyant and ostentatious, what is left of all of us?

if we strip everyone of theories and dreams,will everyone finally be equal and the same?

if materialism and materials are what separates the rich and the poor-but if I were to say that the poor wishes to be richer someday?

Monday, July 16, 2007 / 11:13 PM


Friday, July 13, 2007 / 2:21 AM

damn. i want to drive a vehicle so badly.

it's going to be the one year anniversary of my initiation into the world of the wheels soon. should i eat a cake? have a P-plate breaking ceremony? (ok i won't because it does not belong to me)

I WANT TO DRIVE A CLASS 3 VEHICLE! preferably a VIOS 1.5E in silver/black/chillired/bananayellow/somegreen.



(I think it's the transformers, they're getting to me.)

Thursday, July 12, 2007 / 10:32 PM

hey today IS FRIDAY! but it's going to come out as thursday and i know it. ahahah. will it?

well, dress down day is pretty much the same, nothing too shocking really. he's really playing it quite well...

anyway. more comics...

there was once on class 95, this female listener asked the dj, 'what does my boyfriend mean when he says "I LOVE YOU BUT I'M NOT IN LOVE WITH YOU"?'

This means, to me at least,


or in the alternative,

the guy's a closet poet and he's been waiting all his life to use this line on a lover(or soon-to-be-not) so that he appears remotely whimsical

too bad. someone used it in a better way than you, closet poet.

That said, do any of you want to try explaining what does 'get a grip' REALLY mean?

AHAHAH. bye.

cheap office thrill
Wednesday, July 11, 2007 / 6:20 PM

I think most of us know this CHEAP OFFICE THRILL.

Let me introduce the items needed to get the most out of this cheap thrill.

1- a very open workstation
2- a pc/laptop with internet connection
3- a bored and unsupervised assignment
4- quick fingers and reflexes
5- stoic facial expressions
6- and the most important, the mini rebel in you

Now with all the above gathered, we may begin.

Firstly, put item number 3 aside, and utilize item number 2. Quickly do a quick surveillance sweep around item number 1 and its vicinity. Log on to the World Wide Web, and start your illicit surfing. If your item number 6 is in sparse quantities, or you are just a beginner, do just go to wordy websites (e.g. wikipedia, blogs with owners who are html-impaired* so they have weak formatting skills and have plain and dreary backgrounds). Leave the multi-coloured and flashy sites to the experts. (I know of my superb friend (it’s you jing!) that dares play spider solitaire and we all know how striking and big the green window can be and all the movements of the cards will cause a flurry but she’s an expert already so do not imitate unless you’re as expert-y or you have an overdose of item 6)

If someone walks by, item 4 will come in HANDY (ahaha cheap pun and I recognized it) and immediately put on item 5. It’s the best office make-up there can be. The ideal is that item 5 is on all the time so you will not arouse suspicion.

If all goes well, every time someone walks by there will be this mini flutter in you. That will be caused by a little boost in adrenaline produced by the adrenal gland which prepares your body for the ‘fight or flight’ situation. Trust me. This is much more effective than caffeine.

Behold. The alternative to morning coffee in the office has been discovered. BY ME.

*ok I’m sorry, not everyone with a wordy/plain format are html-impaired. They might subscribe to contemporary minimalism. And not everyone who have flashy blogs are experts in html. I’m one of them.


As you can all see I’m quite visibly bored. I blog almost everyday. I was even contemplating of chronicling the fashion wows and blunders by mop but decided that it was downright mean and he really hasn’t done anything to offend/disturb me so I shall not (nothing too interesting about the male office wardrobe anyway). Oh. But tomorrow is DRESS DOWN FRIDAY. ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN. DO STAY TUNED.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007 / 6:38 PM

Trust me, you guys do not know how tempted I am to do these:

"one hour into work and i am doing A"
"two hours into work and i am busying myself with B"

The conclusion: The above are utmost boring because the most bored people do these sort of things. Today I learn (not counted)

some more of my favourite strips! adore our brand of humour together!!! WAHAHAH

This is DEEEEEP. ahahah. ok you know what it is. Off I go to scout for one more.

There. made you laugh didn't him/them/me? I love how Pastis tries to summarise the facts in a bubble. typical lawyer (lawyer-turned-comic-artist)

~end comics~

Well, maybe you will like to know what the mop came in today at work. He looks stripey in multicoloured predominantly green and blue stripes on a white shirt. perfect for the domestic look don't you think? CLEAN(ing agent) colours.

AHHH I'm revisiting the companies act. wish me the best of luck.

how gold 90.5 is affecting me
Monday, July 09, 2007 / 11:48 PM

how gold 90.5 is affecting me.

i just heard my heart will go on and i'm traumatised with the memory of a suicidal friend (still alive please don't worry).

there's this soft stereo of gold 90.5 in my new workplace. should i mention names? ahah my friends would know and they would be proud of me because!


well. there. no more clues.

OH. There's currently another intern here with me, my coursemate.

someone used to call him MOP HEAD/HAIR.

i'm stuck here for 3 weeks with a household item sitting next to me. help. ahaha. ok. bye.