indulge me
Monday, March 26, 2007 / 10:10 AM

i think i take nice pictures. vote me for Photographer of the Year!

The nicest ones are with human subjects which i shall decline to upload in respect of their privacy, but behold!

If my pictures of inanimate objects are this good, wait till you see my pictures of animate objects. AHAHAHHAHAH. *erhem.

Uploading pictures are quite tiring! I shall stop. ahaha next time then. BYE ALL! VOTE ME.

Saturday, March 10, 2007 / 1:55 AM

the history of this post:

i was bored so i was clicking at the carrot's blog (yes i'm still trying to protect your identity; see this is how much i love you and this is how you repay me) because her's was the easiest to remember. she has a lovely new blogskin and i decided to comment on it. initially i was a little hurt to find my name deleted from her roll of friends. then i was intrigued to find the addition of her new weird friend named 'she who cheats'. curiousity got the better of me and i clicked on her new friend, which to my horror, i found out, was none other than.............................


(btw this also explains why i want to update, because after clicking on the link, i noticed that people tagged at my blog. yes. this is how i remembered that i actually own a blog thanks to the carrot's link. how convenient.)

-End Primary Four Narrative-
-Start Ah Lian Rant -

eh wah lau. Who's the one who cheat larrrrrrrrrrrr. Who?

and to show off that i know how to upload pictures so you can be more afraid of the empowered voyeur:

run and hide you people bwahahahahaha.