The elements of a horror movie
The characters
Almost all the time there is the standard fare of a troupe of dauntless teenagers who will rumble and tumble into the brave new world (those I remembered and "watched" includes house of wax and the silly park)
In the bunch of fearless teenagers there must be one scaredy cat, one cynical/scornful non-believer, one bimbotic/himbotic lipstick-toter, one intellectual (not likely considering that they are smart enough to tag along in the group) and some other fillers which i cannot remember.
Well, never mind the composition since they all die in the end anyway.
There must be scary kids as well. Scary kids add all sorts of flavour to the drab blend.
Scary kids must sometimes be accompanied by panicky or disturbed parents.
The setting
Some graveyard or scene of crime or dilapidated house. duh.
The props
You’ll need a camera, or better still, video-cam. Or a radio that detects the ghosts and makes weird white noises. The camera will usually aid your night vision, thereby phasing out night vision goggles entirely. Sometimes they even work better than thermo/kinetic sensors.
Wax figurines that come to live are a favourite among the props.
There. I can't write much because I don’t watch so much. However, this much I know. They are all the same anyway. Trust me. You have been pouring lots of money watching the above recycled plot scenes and stuff again and again.
So much for dissing the whole genre. I am still scared. I still cringe. My cringings scare those with me (i.e. they might jerk). Behold. Just watch me when I am attempting to watch some lousy horror flick and you might get the same kick. Saves your money too.